Buy Oil Paintings Directly from Chinese Painting Factory.

China Oil Paintings Wholesale
Oil paintings reproductions, portrait paintings and masterpiece reproductions wholesale from Xiamen, China. Different qualities painting reproductions for sale matches your bugget, one piece oil painting is for sale with wholesale price. If you wanna buy any masterpiece reproductions which you can't find from our collections, you still can order it from us.
We are specialized in custom art such as portrait painting from photo, masterpiece reproductions, watercolor paintings, pastel painting, pencil drawing, decoration paintings, contemporary group oil painting and canvas prints on cemand for wholesale from China.
We provide dropship and wholesale service since 1998, for worldwide customers such as art lovers, hotels, art brokers, art galleries, oil painting distributors and interior design firms in Europe (UK, France, Germany, Denmank, the Netherlands, Poland, Italiy etc.) , USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Brazil, South Africa and Middle East(Qatar, The United Arab Emirates etc.). All oil paintings are full hand painted on canavas by our telent artists and painters. With tens of thousands of satisfied customers in many countries we are one of the world’s professional suppliers of Made-to-Order oil paintings.
Why Choose Us
Genuine hand painted oil painting on canvas. All our reproduction oil paintings & watercolour paintings are handmade by chinese professional artists and painters by using high quality oil paints on good canvas.
More competitive price. As a leading Chinese oil painting studio located in Xiamen, with more than 100 artists and painters we supply large volume of oil paintings for international buyers, distributor, retailers and art lovers.
Specially customized service. We can paint any style of oil painting reproductions at any size, we can change the background, eliminate any figure or object, create color paintings from black and white photos and even paint from damaged or old photos.
In business more than 15 years. Online sales for over 10 years. As a professional Chinese Oil Painting Supplier, we have exported a large volume of oil paintings reproductions.
No minimum order required. You can buy only one piece of painting without frame to verify quality. Small order will be deliveried by Express such as DHL, TNT, FedEx, UPS and EMS.
Zero risk payment. All oil paintings reproductions are made by our professional artists and painters, we will email you photo of finished paintings for your confirmation or modification before shipping. If quality can't meet your requiement,we will refund your payment.
Popular Artists, Masterpiece Reproductions
Many new customers are confused by different quality levels of oil paintings reproductions, we have been always asked oil painting quality difference
between top, high and medium quality. The difference lies on the fact who paints the order and the time consuming effects the artist may need to take on
each painting. Our best and professional artists paint all top quality paintings, the reproductions will resemble the original in the color, details and
proportion nearly 90%~95%. While as high quality reproduction oil paintings is painted by our experienced painters and about 80%~85% nearly as same
as original, medium quality oil painting reproductions painted by amateur painters, the painting reproductions may not be able to resemble the original as
good as top and high quality reproduction, but in order to bring you satisfied artworks, we work with painters to inspire them and educate them to
maintain the quality and accuracy. Samples with different quality levels please click here.

Popular Subjects, Oil Painting Reproductions